Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Indestructible (Radio Edit)

Song: Indestructible (Radio Edit)
Artist: Robyn
Album: Body Talk

Robyn's "Body Talk" has sort of turned out to be the Swedish electro-pop version of The Green Mile. (The book(s) of course, not the movie.)  Throughout 2010 Robyn has thus far released parts 1 and 2 with the promise of the 3rd by the end of the year, with the thought that the EP's would ultimately make a whole album.  And like The Green Mile, there has been a little con at the end.  Stephen King's book was initially released in installments, tiny little $1.99 paperbacks that came out monthly in the Summer of 1996.  The last volume was a little bit of a gotcha... THAT volume was $2.99!  I remember being very upset about that at the time, (I mean, it was a dollar, jeez) not also putting together that adding up the total cost was way more than a regular paperback.  So what is the con of "Body Talk?." well there really isn't an eight-track "Part 3," there is just the fifteen track "Body Talk" album proper which includes five tracks from the first two parts and five new tracks.

Obviously this is minor quibling as this entire project has garnered some of the best dance music of the year, and has establish Robyn as a Kylie-like contender in the world of dance pop.

Like she did with last single "Hang With Me," which was initially released as an acoustic version on the previous volume, the third proper single from "Body Talk" is "Indestructible," which we heard the acoustic version initially on "Part 2."  And like "Hang With Me," the dance version is a revelation and proves Robyn knows the power of some broken-hearted lyrics fit for the dancefloor.  "I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before." she sings, another perfect line of the damaged but romantically hopeful.  This is the radio edit, and yet it's got a great disco-freak-out about 3/4 of the way in.  Interesting.

I will admit that "Part 2" didn't excite me as much as "Part 1" song for song, and can't BELIEVE that "Cry When You Get Older" from "Part 1" didn't make the final cut of the album.  Oh well... there are four new unheard tracks that we'll get when the album comes out including one co-written and produced by hit maker Max Martin entitled "Time Machine."  The full track list is below.

I can't wait to hear the entire album, and my final complaint will just be... don't wait another five years for new material!  I'm seeing her live next month, can' wait!

1. Fembot
2. DonĀ“t fucking tell me what to do
3. Dancing on my own
4. Indestructible
5. Time Machine
6. Love kills
7. Hang with me
8. Call your girlfriend
9. None of dem
10. We dance to the beat
11. U should know better
12. Dance hall queen
13. Get myself together
14. In my eyes
15. Stars 4-ever


Indestructible (Radio Edit)

Hang With Me

Dancing on My Own

1 comment:

mymusicmission said...

Love Robyn - can't wait for the concert coming up!