Song: Time Won't Let Me Go
Artist: The Bravery
Album: The Sun and the Moon
The Bravery are a New York City band that I want to like more than I actually do. I “discovered” the band before their debut came out and fell in love with future singles “An Honest Mistake,” “Fearless,” and “Unconditional.” I was very excited about their upcoming record and thought it to be one of the more promising debuts of that year. Well, they soon were involved in an odd feud with The Killers, whom were also pimping their debut but it then turned out that the bands shared a label (Island) and more suspect… the same PR firm. Fabricated. I officially hate “the business.”
Despite all of this, I got both “Hot Fuss” and The Bravery’s self titled album and ended up listening to the Killers more. After the hoopla that was The Killers second record (which did okay) The Bravery have something to prove which might not exactly be fair, since the Killers debut kicked theirs ass in regards to sales and hit singles but when you open up your big mouth, you gotta put-up or shut-up.
Later this month will see the release of the bands sophomore set, “The Sun and the Moon.” All I have to go on is the first single “Time Won’t Let Me Go,” not a flat out synth-rocker, but a breezy slice of vocal distorted New Wave. It is not, if I can continue this ridiculous comparison, in the same league as lead Killer single “When You Were Young” from their sophomore album, but after a few listens you find yourself nodding along and digging its lazy vibe. A nice slice of Summer fun that might be perfect for those humid-drenched summer parties on your roof deck in Williamsburg. And cool enough until someone asks you who is playing… because The Bravery are SO five minutes ago, and weren’t they like, a ska band once? (Double ugh hipsters)
What do you think?
The cool video for last album's "Honest Mistake"
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