Friday, March 14, 2008

4 Minutes

Song: 4 Minutes
Artist: Madonna
Album: Hard Candy

Madonna is the most successful female artist of all time. Madonna has remained culturally relevant throughout her entire career, save for a few dips from absolutely conquering the world, to just being like crazy huge. She remains cutting edge, inventive, and has taken on each new album as a project in and of itself. Her last record, the 8 million worldwide selling “Confessions on a Dancefloor” and it’s adjoining tour was a commercial and critical success, and a “return” after the disappointing “American Life.” (I personally think “American Life” is a GREAT record and one that wasn’t meant to be HUGE.)

I really loved “Confessions,” so when I heard that she was already working on a new record (and her last with Warner Brothers) I was pretty excited. Then I heard she was working on a “hip-hop record” and collaborating with Timbaland and the Neptunes. Hmmm… okay. Then I heard two of the tracks that got leaked from the Neptunes sessions (“The Beat Goes On” and “Candy Shop”) and thought they were okay… but knew they were leaks, so I’d wait for the official album version to pass judgment. But was honestly more interested in what Timbaland had done with JT. And so here it is…

“4 Minutes” is the official first single for the new album and man… I don’t know what to think. Madonna has a history of releasing absolutely KILLER 1st singles from all her records. This is not to say they are the best songs on the album, but they usually typify the albums sound, and are urgent, direct, and well… bloody awesome. I was crazy for “Hung Up” when it came out (and still am) and the same can be said of “Music,” “Frozen,” “Like a Prayer,” etc. And I just don’t feel it with this song. I don’t know. True, I was not blown away by “American Life” the song when it came out… and loved the record. So we’ll see. And while Timbaland is a hit or miss producer, he did nail it with Nelly Furtado’s “Promiscuous” and Justin’s “Sexyback.” Maybe it will grow on me… maybe my expectations are too high… but I expected something crazy, off the hook, even bananas… hmmmm.

I do still question her doing a hip-hop record but again will wait until I hear the thing. the facts are for me… Madonna RARELY disappoints.

What do YOU think of “4 Minutes?” Are of the mind that homegirl just needs to pack it up?


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