Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Going to a Town

Song: Going to a Town
Artist: Rufus Wainwright
Album: Release the Stars

I don’t really fault people for disliking Rufus Wainwright, his music is an odd mix of classical driven pop with sweeping strings and what can only be described as “a flare for the theatrical.” But those that love him REALLY love him. Me… well I like him, and there are some songs I really love. His voice, while distinctive, doesn’t bother me and puts a real personality on everything he does. And he’s an “out” singer-songwriter, which I surely appreciate.

Rufus’ new album “Release the Stars” just came out earlier this month. After the expansive double album “Want I” and “Want II,” which basically found Rufus at his most “Rufus,” I thought he could either go to another new level in his craft, do more of the same, or worst… just make an awful record. “Release the Stars” is in fact more of the same, no dip in quality, but no step forward either.

While I haven’t found any songs on the album that surpass anything he’s done in the past, lead single “Going to a Town” is worth noting as one of the most dower lead singles in recent memory, but it’s a song we here in America need to hear. Take a listen, and you’ll get what I mean.


Here is the video for "Going to a Town"

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